Monday, January 16, 2006

Excellence or Obedience

It's Monday and I am in my 9 am class.........figure out the rest.....or let me help you.....I am very far from being churrpy,in fact I may be a bit grumpy.My mind is still in holiday mode.May The One help me!!!

Anyway,I was reflecting on the principle of Excellence versus Obedience.Too many times we seem to get confused when it comes to Jehovah's standards.With all His standards,He desires that we step up to the mark.What I am driving at is the issue of moving beyond Excellence,pressing towards Obedience.It is possible to have one without the other!!!

Give me a seccond to demystify..
The way man has tried to dilute The One's standards has caused many to settle for what seems to be excellent,yet falling short of true obedience.It's like combing your hair nice and proper,putting some gel and all,yet there is still snow (dandruff) underneath.Jus go ahead and use shampoo.

Let's shoot for total obedience,not jus excellence.It is possible to be excellent in disobedience,but it is even better to be wholly obedient,for out of that flows true excellence.

I hope that trickles and sediments in your mind.

In Him

The Spirit

Friday, January 13, 2006

Crunch II


I was reading the other day,and came across a nugget like so,"Recurring crisis is a symptom of inadequate management".Eish,I sat for a bit and reflected on the numerous examples of inadequate management that I see around me,then looked in the mirror.....

I wonder how many mistakes in my own life have been because of "poor management"....plenty.Ain't it interesting how almost everything is determined by the value of our decisions?Anyway,so straight away I asked The One to help me step up and make not jus good choices,but wise decisions.Moreso,coz I will have miself a familia real soon.

And then...?The wedding is close.Real close.We are so excited!And she is such a fine woman.Ahhh,one in a million.Jehovah is soooo GOOD.Stay tuned for the wedding gwans.

Do yourself a favour,learn to make good choices,coz if you apply them,they become wise decisions.

In Him

The Spirit

Friday, January 06, 2006



Crunch will be online real soon.Prepare yourself!!!