Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Good morning to all...

Ladies and Gentlemen,good morning.

Yes,I am back.It has been a while since I came through and did my thang on the blogger,but I had other bizness to attend to.Anywhooo,time never stops for nobody.

So then,I became a husband to the most beautiful woman in the world.He he he,and the wedding day was just FanTastiC.But we will go into that later.But I will tell you this,The One was so right in saying "Whoever finds a wife finds a good (in fact,GREAT) thing."

I am writing my final Project Management report like so, so this is just an 8 second pit-stop.

Let me love you and leave you for now.Remember,you don't have time to be intimidated by life.

In Him,



At 5:56 PM, Blogger Don 'Lidzi said...

Come thru the Guy!! Indeed, the GodFather has blessed some.
Take curr now..

I'm out!

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Tatenda Mudariki said...

He who finds a wife Definately finds a Great thing...but others TOOK forever to BLOG about the Great thing they had found..hehehe CTG!! MAD love cannot wait till the wedding pics



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